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R v A & Others

5 Sep 2016

Senior Solicitor Dina Patel today successfully represented Mr A, at Manchester Crown Court, where the Prosecution offered no evidence against him.

Mr A, was jointly charged with three others for Fraud by False Representation and Money Laundering. The Prosecution from the outset described the case, as a complex financial investigation, into significant levels of money laundering, committed by methods of company creation, property purchases, through fraudulent mortgage applications and high value vehicle purchases.

Mr A, was alleged to have concealed properties in his own name, for the benefit of other defendants. Furthermore, the Prosecution stated that regular payments had been made into Mr A’s bank accounts, to cover mortgage payments of one of the properties,

Two of the defendants were believed to be the brains behind the operation and lived lavish playboy lifestyles, with a luxury flats, lavish cars and designer clothing, but could not account for how they were able to fund this lifestyle. In total, under £500,000 in cash was seized from the defendant’s together with sophisticated cash counting machine.

It was quite clear from the outset, that the Prosecution should never have pursued a case against Mr A, as the evidence was tenuous. The pressure applied upon the Prosecution by the Defence team, to review the evidence and reconsider the Prosecution was successful and Mr A was rightfully Acquitted.

We instructed Mr Warwick Aleeson of 187 Fleet Street Chambers.

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