Leading Company, Vat & HMRC Tax Investigation Defence Lawyers
Our Civil department is recognised as a leader in Contentious Indirect Tax litigation, particularly for matters involving VAT and Excise duties. The department itself is led by Khalil Makonnen. The team is equipped to deal with matters from complex appeals to the VAT and Duties Tribunals to reacting quickly to HMRC interventions such as seizures/searches.
We understand our clients market and the pressures they face and can assist in areas of compliance and risk management and we continue to work with many organizations for the ongoing benefit of their business.
Recent work includes acting for MobilX Limited in a significant Court of Appeal decision regarding the means

Being Prosecuted or Investigated for an Alleged Tax offence?
Tax Investigations
Tackling the ‘Tax Gap’ is HMRC’s No1 priority. Bark & Co are skilled and experienced in dealing with all types of Tax Investigations and enquiries. We help our clients regularise their Tax affairs by dealing directly with the Revenue, and negotiating on their behalf.
Tackling the ‘Tax Gap’ is HMRC’s No1 priority. Bark & Co are skilled and experienced in dealing with all types of Tax Investigations and enquiries. We help our clients regularise their Tax affairs by dealing directly with the Revenue, and negotiating on their behalf.
Top Expert Tax Defence Solicitors for Company Directors & Principals
Whether you are the focus of Revenue attention or consider you have a Tax disclosure to make we can advise you on the best way forward and deal with HMRC on your behalf.
We have negotiated and concluded many Code of Practice 9 investigations on behalf of clients thereby preventing criminal prosecutions and minimising tax exposure.