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R v Davies & Others – Client Acquitted

11 Apr 2013

Senior Solicitor Dina Patel acted for Mr Davies who was acquitted yesterday at Bristol Crown Court of all charges against him. The prosecution had alleged that Mr Davies was the controlling mind behind a mortgage fraud conspiracy together with six other defendants. The alleged conspiracy was to obtain mortgages by the supply of false income details to financial institutions on application.

The prosecution offered no evidence because the Bark&co defence team had exposed a number of flaws in the prosecution’s case. Through a process of persistent disclosure applications and cross-examination, the Bark&co team had demonstrated that the income details were actually considered to be virtually irrelevant to mortgage lenders over the last decade, certainly for buy-to-let mortgages. We had exposed a culture amongst mortgage brokers and lenders of “throwing money” at applicants. We had also exposed serious concerns with the credibility of the mortgage brokers in this case.

We instructed Mr Jamas Hodivala and Ms Vedrana Pehar of 2 Bedford Row.

Bath Press Link about the collapse of the trial

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