R v Asil Nadir – Fraud
Bark&co represented Asil Nadir in relation to historic allegations of theft from the company of which he had formerly been CEO, Polly Peck International. Following previous unsuccessful attempts by other firms to secure an agreement that Mr Nadir would be granted bail during the course of his trial, Mr Nadir returned to the UK in a blaze of publicity in August 2011, the Court having confirmed that he would be released on bail.
This was an extremely complex and difficult case, and Mr Nadir was actively involved in the preparation of his defence on a daily basis. At the conclusion of a trial lasting over six months, Mr Nadir was convicted of ten counts of theft, and acquitted in relation to three further counts. The prosecution asked the court for an Order for compensation in excess of £60 million. Following representations by the defence, an Order in the sum of £5 million was made.